• Integrate cyber awareness into your company culture.

Enforce reporting suspicious emails and potential security incidents.



  • Require employees to complete cyber awareness training.

Offer security awareness training annually as a minimum. New employees should complete training as part of their onboarding.



  • Train employees in account security best practices.

Cybersecurity best practices encompass some general best practices — like being cautious when engaging in online activities, abiding by company rules, and reaching out for help when you encounter something suspicious.



  • Carry out regular phishing simulations.

Simulations provide the opportunity for you to see how your staff apply what they learned in training and to identify new or additional areas to address in future training.



  • Train employees to use VPN.

A VPN is an encryption-based communication method that connects a remote office or worker to an organization’s private network over a shared or public network. The encryption effectively makes a tunnel within the public network that data can pass through without being read by eavesdroppers.



  • Make email signatures part of your email security.

Require employees to digitally sign their emails and teach them how to verify digital signatures in emails they receive from others.