Annual Reviews are yearly meetings for strategic IT planning
Annual Reviews are yearly meetings that allow us to sit with clients and provide strategic planning. This planning aids in your company’s IT growth and any business changes, e.g. office expansions, downsizing, or relocation; new products or services; policy changes, etc… As your IT Professionals, our primary goal is to provide your company with stable, secure network infrastructure and the support needed to help your business grow and succeed.
Start your year with a solid IT plan and budget
Annual Reviews are devoted to reviewing any business plans pertaining to your technology. These meetings are beneficial for both your company and DCR. Along with ongoing communication year round, a face-to-face meeting will lead to a more well rounded IT plan and budget. The Annual Review is the time to discuss any future changes or ideas regarding your that will or have occurred. During the meeting you are provided with reports of your network infrastructure hardware and software, warranty extensions, software and licensing renewals and a budget for the upcoming calendar year. These reports are presented by your Technical Sales Rep and Engineer assigned to your account.
Annual Reviews are free to clients on a Support Agreements
Annual Reviews are free for DCR clients currently on a Support Agreement. Clients not on a Support Agreement may elect to participate in an the Annual Review meeting as an additional recurring service. Call today for any questions you may have regarding the Annual Review or to get yours on the schedule!