The recent Ransomware outbreaks known as Wanacry, Petya, and Petrwrap, have resulted in a number of companies releasing updates to address the vulnerabilities that cyber-criminals are using to exploit businesses. The information below may not be applicable to all clients and we DO NOT recommend taking any action based on this tech alert, unless the problem is applicable to you. Always consult a your DCR Support Professionals if you have questions. The information we provide is intended to aid you in supporting your end users and distribution to anyone outside your company is not permitted.
–All Windows updates should be set to automatically install, unless otherwise directed by one of your application vendors.
–Manually verify that SMBv1 has been turned off. Contact your Office Systems provider or DCR to request a review of reconfiguration. WARNING: Turning SMBv1 off may cause some file sharing features to stop functioning on legacy devices, such as older copier/printer/scanners, and the assistance of a professional is recommended.
–All Anti-Virus/Anti-Spyware updates should be set to automatically install. If DCR configured your McAfee console this is how we set the updates. If you have made changes we strongly recommend you review the reason for the change.
–McAfee has released recommended changes to the product configuration to combat these latest threats and DCR recommends these changes be made
Other Anti-Virus Products:
-For clients NOT running McAfee, we recommend you contact the vendor for recommendations or contact DCR for assistance.