If you use Quickbooks built in webmail services option for sending invoices, paystubs or other forms via the ‘Send Forms’ function within the program, be advised of two recently reported issues:

Issue Reported:

1) Emails sent from Quickbook no longer contain the company name in the ‘From’ line of the email.

Instead the ‘From’ line only contains replyto@intuit.com and therefore could get caught in spam filters, junk folders or be subject to other filtering.


Intuit is aware of this issue and are working on the problem, but, there is no ETA for permanent resolution at this time.

Their suggested work around is to make sure you and your customers have intuit.com or replyto@intuit.com added to the spam allow and trusted lists.

Issues Reported:

2) Emails sent from Quickbooks using the QB webmail services, are not delivering in a timely fashion. Some email appears to send normally, but, will be received hours or days later. In some cases the email are not received at all.


Intuit is aware of these issues and are working on the problem, but, there is no ETA for permanent resolution at this time. Their suggested workaround is to print the forms to PDF and attach to email from a webmail account, Outlook or other mail client.The link below contains the official help article information and the link to subscribe to email updates on this particular problem.

You may contact DCR at support@dcrinc.net with questions. Please be advised we do not have a solution for these issues.

Thank you,
Denase Harris
